Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

The last of a 3 day weekend, and what a wonderful weekend it has been.

Perhaps because it's Monday, or the beginning of a new season, I feel more inspired this morning to start this month with healthy foods, meals and mind.  This morning I made oatmeal for breakfast, and although I had brown sugar on it (and ok, a bit of butter, but not much!), I felt like it was a good start.  I also had cranberry juice (1/2 glass) so I've begun my day on the right foot.  I think the most important item on the above is that I want to have a good healthy day of eating.  Without that, I don't have a chance.  I also feel that perhaps I need to make a goal for myself.  Nothing like a goal to get myself motivated.  So, goal for this week??  At least one pound lost, no more than 3.  Goal for month?  8 pounds off.

I've found a new site that looks very promising:   It looks very similar to weight watchers website but vola! no charge!!!  Please check it out!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Well, if you haven't guessed, when I'm not blogging about dieting, then I'm probably not dieting. 

Weekends seem to be the worse, especially when with my husband.  Eating out has become a really fun thing to do together and unfortunately, I'm using it as an excuse to eat more than I should.  I once had a weight watcher leader who pointed out that just because you're out of the kitchen doesn't give you an excuse to eat everything in sight.  I find that it is SO true.  The bottom line is if you are looking for an excuse to do anything you shouldn't be doing, excuses are always available, especially when it comes to eating. 

I would really love to hear from other people who have an eating problem and would like to work through it.  I completely understand if you would rather not, but  I am hoping this blog becomes a source of encouragement for all those out there, who like myself, would rather be doing anything else other than dieting but have taken the plunge. 

Here's what I've eaten so far today:

yogart - plain with fresh blueberries
english muffin
sunny side up egg
1 slice french toast
1 slice bacon
hash browns

Since it is only around 2 pm, it would seem that I've eaten my entire allowance for the day.  If I stick with some cereal for dinner, I might make it a day without putting on weight.

I'd sign off with bon appetit, but that seems to be a bit counter productive....